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How Showit and WordPress Work Together

Let’s talk blogging. It is one of the best things you can do you for business’s marketing and SEO. Showit makes it possible to create a beautiful and highly functioning website and blog, and it is important to know how Showit works seamlessly with WordPress. You get the benefit of a beautifully designed blog template in Showit, with the power of a WordPress blog. Truly the best of both worlds.

How Does Does Blogging With Showit Work?

Showit uses WordPress for blogging—this means that you will design your blog theme in Showit, and write your actual blog posts in WordPress. Showit then pulls your blog posts into your website design. Think of it as Showit being your design tool, while WordPress is your content management tool.

Blog Design In Showit

You are creating your blog layout and design inside the Showit interface. On the left side panel, under the Site tab look for Blog Templates after your Pages—this is where you will find your blog design and your single post design.The two basic pages that make up any Showit blog are a Blog Page and a Single Post Page. The Blog Page is a list of all of your published posts. The Single Post template is what each individual post will look like when a visitor clicks through to read the full post.

In Showit, you will set placeholders for where you want certain elements to populate, like the post title, date, category, and the content.. Then, when you publish a post in WordPress, it will automatically update on your Showit website. If you purchased a Launch Lounge Showit template, your site will come with these blog pages already designed. Yay!

Please Note: In in the Showit app or in preview mode, you will not be able to see any of your actual blog content. It will only be visible on your live site. It also takes some time to get the spacing right, but it’s definitely worth it to have a blog design to match your website.

Logging Into Your WordPress Blog

Since your blog design is already set up through with your Launch Lounge template, next step is to add your content and start blogging. To log in to your WordPress account, visit Then log in use your Showit username and password. Once logged in, you will see your WordPress dashboard.

Showit Reference:

How Blogging Works With Showit

April 11, 2022


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